Controlling your Medical Records

Type 1 Opt-out

The data held in your GP medical records is shared with other healthcare professionals for the purposes of your individual care. It is also shared with other organisations to support health and care planning and research.

You have the right to control how medical information about you is shared, disseminated or sold, for purposes other than your direct medical care. If you do not want your personally identifiable patient data to be shared outside of your GP practice for purposes except your own care, you can register an opt-out with your GP practice. This is known as a Type 1 Opt-out.

Type 1 Opt-outs may be discontinued in the future. If this happens then they may be turned into a National Data Opt-out. Your GP practice will tell you if this is going to happen and if you need to do anything. More information about the National Data Opt Out

If you would like to register your Opt-Out preference, please complete and submit the online opt-out form  or print and complete a manual opt-out form  and either post, or drop back to the surgery.




You can use this form to:

  • Register a Type 1 Opt-out, for yourself or for a dependent (if you are the parent or legal guardian of the patient) (to Opt-out)
  • Withdraw an existing Type 1 Opt-out, for yourself or a dependent (if you are the parent or legal guardian of the patient) if you have changed your preference (to Opt-in )

This decision will not affect individual care and you can change your choice at any time, using this form.

More information regarding the Opt-Outs, can be found on the  NHS digital website


National Data Opt-out (NDOO)

You can express a National Data opt-out (NDOO) as well, and with both the Type 1 and National Data opt-outs in force:

  • No record-level information whatsoever will be uploaded from your GP record to NHS Digital
  • NHS Digital will have no information from your GP record to release, in any format, to any organisation, for any purpose
  • NHS Digital will only continue to hold information extracted from your hospital records, as well as aggregate information (i.e. numbers) from your GP practice
  • NHS Digital will not be able to release any information that clearly identifies you from the information extracted from your hospital records

Information about the “National Data opt-out”, can be found here: